TPD - Project Managment
+258 844 797 004
Av. Kenneth Kaunda 1440, Maputo - Mozambique


RIGOR, quality, professionalism


RIGOR, quality, professionalism

We aim to deliver new solutions and technological expertise.


With the creation of a local company, TDP – Engenharia e fiscalização Lda (MZ), we intend to bring new technological solutions and competences to the market, aiming the sustainable development of Mozambicans by offering skilled labor, through the focus on the training of local staff.

Civil Engineering

TDP develops its main activity in the area of civil engineering projects. In each project it applies all the knowledge and know-how, to choose the best economic solutions, always with adequate control of national and European regulatory aspects, safety and durability.

Energetic certification

It also provides Energy Certification services, according to the most recent legislation, having in its Qualified Experts frameworks for the activity.

Project Coordination

It also carries out project management and coordination, with a proper articulation of all projects, thus allowing to control and present to the Construction Owner an integrated vision of the project as a whole and contribute to a better quality control of the execution of the work

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